
科目番号 教室 登録人数 履修登録方法 対面/遠隔
外108   [水4]共3-202   20   調整期間登録   対面授業  
開講年度 期間 曜日時限 開講学部等
2020 前学期 水4 共通教育等科目外国語科目  
講義コード 科目名[英文名] 単位数
101526091 英語プレゼンテーション演習 中級 09組   2  
Robert Duckworth  [Duckworth Robert]  
This course provides students with the tools, experience, and the confidence they need to present their own ideas clear and effectively in real-life contexts for various authentic purposes. Students will also learn speech building strategies for describing people, places, and events, which help them generate details, find, evaluate, and organize information, and develop and support ideas. They will learn non-verbal communication skills as well as voice control skills.

Activities are designed to give students as many opportunities to use English as possible. Students work in pairs or in groups to learn and practice skills and strategies. Students are challenged to think independently and critically through frequent practice of asking and answering critical questions as they create presentations, and they evaluate each other’s performances. Students are given more control over their own learning, and they gain valuable experience using English and negotiating among their peers.
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. identify the features of good speeches and public speakers; [7:専門性]
2. brainstorm and cluster ideas descriptive details;
3. explain a process and explain in an organized way;
4. select the most relevant and important details
5. distinguish between statements of fact and opinion; [6:問題解決力]
6. explain cause and effect relationships:
7. use eye contact and body language for maximum effect;
8. control voice in their presentations for maximum effect.
9. develop their own ideas for speech topics and create their own speeches. [1:自律性]
10. get feedback from their audience [4:コミュニケーション・スキル]
11. maintain a Google Doc for classwork and homework sharing [5:情報リテラシー]
1. make presentations (50%)
2. submit weekly homework and reflections (40 %)
3. submit semester reflection (10 %)
To utilize the class environment your timely presence and participation are necessary. Please keep in mind that frequent absences and late arrivals are disruptive and inconsiderate to the rest of the class. If you cannot attend class, please inform your teacher in advance. After three unexcused absences your grade will drop one letter grade. Three late arrivals will count as one absence. Students are responsible for information they miss through absences or lateness. Work that is turned in late will drop grade. Work that is not turned in will receive zero points. A rubric will be used. [大学英語を既に履修していること]
Lesson Plans

Class #1 Wed, May 7 (taught on Thursday w/Wed schedule)
Getting oriented with Google Classroom
Review syllabus
Self introductions via 10 questions from Bernard Pivot

Class #2 Wed, May 13
Review homework from Class #1 (self introductions)
New assignment: Record Self Introduction VIDEO, upload, and share

Class #3 Wed, May 20
Review homework from Class #2 (Self Introduction VIDEO)
New assignment: COMMENTING on videos by other students using the "LIke, Wish, What If" protocol.

Class #4 Wed, May 27
Review homework from Class #3 COMMENTING
New assignment: "Organize Your Speech" (multi-week project)
Why is speech organization important? How (methods) can we organize a speech?

Class #5 Wed, June 3
Review homework from previous class.
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 2
Finish reading document
Begin to brainstorm re. potential TOPICS
Submit ideas via Google Classroom

Class #6 Wed, June 10
Review homework from previous class.
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 3
Review some sections of document
Finalize TOPICS for presentation
HOMEWORK first draft of OUTLINE for speech

Class #7 Wed, June 17
Review homework from previous class.
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 4
Review final section of document on criteria for speech evaluation
Give corrections/advice re. OUTLINES submitted.

Class #8 Wed, June 24
Review homework from previous class.
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 5
Give advice/corrections/comments on FIRST DRAFTS submitted by students.
HOMEWORK: Begin preparations to make a VIDEO of the speech that was checked by teacher.

Class #9 ,Wed, July 1
Review homework from previous class
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 6
HOMEWORK: Using the speech that was checked by the teacher, rehearse, record, upload, and share the video of your speech.

Class #10 Wed, July 8
Review homework from previous class
Continuing assignment: "Organize Your Speech" Week 7
HOMEWORK: Give constructive comments on videos by other students, respond to comments that were made about the video you uploaded.

Class #11 Wed, July 15
Review homework from previous class
New assignment WEEK 1: Watch video of English presentation "Gaming Can Make A Better World" (TED Talk)
Homework: practice listening, study English transcript, answer comprehension questions

Class #12 Wed, July 22
Review homework from previous class
New assignment WEEK 2: "Gaming Can Make A Better World"
Homework: Discussion questions with other students

Class #13 Wed, July 29
Review homework from previous class
New assignment WEEK 3: "Gaming Can Make A Better World"
Classwork: Final discussion
Homework: Student feedback on class/reflections via Google Forms.

Class #14 Sunday, July 4
Note: This was a makeup class I taught online via Google Classroom in the form of assignment/research subjects (課題・研究等).
Review comments from teacher re. homework from previous class, check comprehension, give students extra help and support

Class #15 Sunday, July 11
Note: This was a makeup class I taught online via Google Classroom in the form of assignment/research subjects (課題・研究等).
Review comments from teacher re. homework from previous class, check comprehension, give students extra help and support.
Students need to express themselves to actively participate in class. This course combines the basic theory of presentation with practice and students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of the content on their presentation performance as well as weekly assignments and quizzes. Spending some time on required work and preparation before class is essential. Students can post questions to the teacher any time to get help with the material. Preparation for this course will require 60 minutes of out of class work each week.
Spending some time on required work and preparation after class is essential. Students can post questions to the teacher any time to get help with the material. Review for this course will require 20 minutes of out of class work each week.
